Do Soulmates Exist?

There has been a lot of debate when it comes of whether soul exists or not and is soulmate real. We see two groups, one in favor while the second one opposes the concept. Here in this post, we will talk about both sides of the story, see which one is more logical and convincing and conclude on the basis of the arguments.

Know about soulmate concept

The first group believes soul mates do exist. According to this belief, we can become soul mates of each other. For this, we need deep and lasting love friendship over the years. These people give the examples of music, athletes and languages. We know people develop a great passion for music and their life without music is nothing. This shows us the reality of soul mates for a person who is fond of music.

The side further believes we can find our soul mates around us. There are many people who fall in love with each other just because they see soul mates in each other. This is the biggest reason behind long lasting relationships between couples. There are literally thousands of examples how people came close and developed a permanent relationship. This was possible because they became soul mates of each other.

It is not possible to stay in a relationship without deep and powerful feelings for each other. These feelings create the soul mates. However, some people part their ways with each other even after 20 or 30 thirty years. Still, they feel a thirst for each other and this is because they had become soul mates. Is soul mate real a comprehensive debate that can never be concluded with just one side. Below are few facts in this regard to prove the stance.

  • More than 74% American believe in soul mates.
  • 74% Men and 71% women believe they are destined to find their soul mates in life.
  • Around 80% people below 45 believe in soul mates.
  • There are 70% people over 45 who do believe in soul mates.

Long lasting love

The other group is one that doesn’t believe in something like soul mates. According to this group it is not possible to find a person who is your soul mate and live with them for whole of your life. They further give the example of how marriage trend is reducing in the US. The statistics prove there were more people who married in 2008-2010 and the number of couples reduced after 2010.

Many other factors might be responsible for this. The group believe you can’t find a perfect person for yourself. Like, there are billions of people and there are little chances the person also belongs to your age group. For this, you will have to travel the whole world, meet people and see if you have your soul mate anywhere.

Another reason put forward in this regard is there is nothing like soul. The group believes there are no souls. But the interesting thing is 64% American believe we have souls. Many studies in the past found out that our souls exist even after the physical death of our brain or body. A new study has rubbished all such things and it negates the idea of souls. And this group is holding onto this concept or finding.

It is believed by the second group people who believe in soul mates are unhappy. As these people look for just one person and that is the perfect. Finding such a person is almost impossible because you can’t simply find a perfect person for yourself. When people think they can’t find a perfect one for them, they tend to be unhappy.

Lastly, the group says people who quote love as a result of being soul mates are stupid as love itself is a chemical reaction. In other words, the groups believe you can fall in love with anyone just because chemicals in our body do this. For them, the soul mate is not more a myth.

We have talked about the two sides to understand the reality of soul mates. Is soul mate real, the question is answered positive as well as negative by people. But majority believes in soul mates. So we are true to believe the soul mates exist and it can be possible anywhere in the world.